Dear Friends,
This might seem like a funny subject for a home improvement company to be writing about, especially on its first blog! TraVek, Inc. understands that the comfort of your home is not only creating the beautiful environment through remodeling, painting, additions, or landscaping but also helping you to make your homes beautiful through simple arrangement and organization!
About a week ago, I had an interesting experience. I had gone to my home in MN for a family reunion. Believe it or not, even though I moved here already six years ago I still had a lot of stuff in storage. At the time I moved here, in my mind it was all treasures, and I figured it would be used again some day. Now this past Spring I had this daunting task lingering in the back of my mind because I knew that it did not pay to keep that stuff in storage; it was time to go through and get rid of the things I no longer needed. Clutter equals chaos in my mind. Even though I couldn’t see it there, I knew it was just beyond the door.
When I opened the door my first thought was, “Oh my gosh, how am I ever going to get through all this?” I sat on a chair and just looked at the mountains of boxes before me. Slowly a plan formulated in my head. I knew some of it was truly treasures to me, and some of it would most definitely be treasures to someone else, and some of it was downright JUNK. Now I had four ways to separate it: KEEP FOR ME, GIVEAWAY, GOODWILL, and DUMP.
I had no option but to start going through every box, but once I got going, I knew there were no options other than the four outlined above. There were some of those sentimental things I just couldn’t part with. That pile was easy; however, soon that pile started to grow. Now I needed to give myself some good self-talk and convince myself that even though some of this stuff is really beautiful, it has been in storage for six years, and I haven’t needed or wanted it yet. My biggest boost came when I realized that it’s okay to get rid of things, especially since I just knew someone would be able to use them or enjoy them. My Goodwill and Giveaway piles grew.
By now my sisters had heard I was going through my junk. Soon Mom and one, two, three sisters and a few nieces joined me and each picked out a few things, as they talked about decluttering their own places, too! We had a lot of fun going down memory lane as the little girls tried on the eyeglasses and wondered how we ever wore such ugly styles (remember those really big ones that covered nearly the whole face?). Yep, ugly. Into the Goodwill pile. Clothes? Give them all to Goodwill. If it hasn’t been worn in a year it will never be worn again. Give this box to your kids to sell on Ebay, yeah, tell them to keep the cash. This one goes to the trash, and on and on until it was all sorted.
By the end of the day I saved only seven boxes for myself. We had a couple vans of treasures for the Goodwill and another for the kids to try their luck with Ebay. The burning barrel had high flames. As for me, I was tucked in bed and totally relieved to get that huge mess off my mind! I haven’t missed anything yet. Getting rid of junk in your surroundings clears the mind as well!
What are you doing to your surroundings to make your mind and space clear? If you need help getting started, you might find helpful tips from
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