Monday, August 1, 2011

Is It Raining In Your House?

Although the rain here in the Scottsdale area is beautiful and welcome at this time of the year, some are finding it INSIDE THEIR HOMES. Roof leaking? Drywall ruined? Floors trashed? If this is happening to you, give us a call at 480-367-1171 and we'll be out quickly to give you a hand.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mammograms in Scottsdale Saturday, June 25, 2011!

Good afternoon to all our friends out there.  I just forwarded an email we received from the Home & Design Idea Center in Scottsdale to our mailing list, but I know there are people who out there who are not part of the list. (Surprise, surprise!) Please note that time is of the essence so, for those who are interested or for those who know people who are in need of a mammogram, the mobile mammogram will be at the HDIC on Saturday.     Appointments must be scheduled today!

If you end up going over to the Home  & Design Idea Center on Saturday, take a walk through the building and look at all the neat vignettes set up there. If you're looking to do some sort of home improvement or remodel, you're bound to get some ideas. Make sure to stop by vignette 2068 and ZAP our barcode. We will call you to see how we can help you with your project, AND your name will also be entered in our monthly drawing.

Email We Received From HDIC Is As Follows:  

Home & Design Idea Center visitors and vendors, don't miss the opportunity to care for yourself. A mammogram mobile unit will be at the Home & Design Idea Center on Saturday, June 25 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. providing mammograms. Most doctors feel that early detection tests for breast cancer save thousands of lives each year, and that many more lives could be saved if more women took advantage of these tests.    
Mammogram Mobile
For more information and to book your appointment, call 1-888-233-6121. Mobile mammograms will be provided by the Breast Assured mobile unit. ALL insurance companies are accepted, and should you not have insurance, the fee is only $150.00.   

Please take a moment and forward this to all the women in your life, their lives are worth it.    

You must register by Thursday, June 23, 2011.

Thank You,
Home & Design Idea Center Staff
I thank you, too. Remember, for all your home improvement needs, we are just a phone call away.


Todd Raisanen

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

And the Winner Is....

Randy B. of Glendale is the lucky winner of our Norwex rag this month. He "zapped" the barcode in our vignette at the Home & Design Idea Center last weekend in order to have his name entered into the drawing. Randy, look for the rag in your mailbox within the next couple days.

This past weekend was really active at the HDIC. It makes me think that they've been doing some good advertising because there certainly was no shortage of people. Maybe the people have been passing the word, who knows! Anyhow, we sure enjoyed meeting all kinds of new people and even saw some of our previous customers as well. As always, it was a pleasure.

Mark your calendars for July 9. That's the next MEET THE EXPERTS weekend at HDIC. (In case you don't know, MEET THE EXPERTS is the second weekend of every month.)

Have a super day! Remember, for all your home improvement needs, whether it be kitchen or bath remodel, whole house remodels, additions, landscaping, interior/exterior painting, waterscapes or other, TraVek is only a phone call away (480-367-1171). We look forward to hearing from you. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

TraVek's Booth at Home & Design Idea Center in Scottsdale

We'll be at the Home & Design Idea Center again in Scottsdale tomorrow, June 11 from 10:00 to 4:00. This is a perfect time for anyone looking to do home improvements, because all the EXPERTS will be at their booths ready to help you with ideas and answer questions. There is only one weekend each month when the experts are in, so take advantage of the great opportunity and WELCOME to HDIC!

TraVek, Inc. is located inVignette 2068. 

Be sure to ZAP our barcode so that you will be automatically entered in our monthly drawing for some great Norwex cleaning rags. They are the BEST rags we here at TraVek, Inc have found for shining up granite countertops among many other things. (Click here for more info on Norwex.)

Have a great weekend, and we hope to see you at HDIC.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Winners of Our Home & Design Idea Center May Drawing

Each Monday following "Meet The Experts" weekend at the Home & Design Idea Center in Scottsdale, TraVek, Inc. draws a winner for the Norwex cleaning rag drawing. This month's winners are Richard & Cindy from Sun City West. Congratulations Richard and Cindy. They submitted their contact information at the front desk and then zapped our little barcode in the booth.

Next month might be your lucky month! If you are interested in knowing more about Norwex or how to purchase those rags locally, please contact Susan at TraVek, Inc by email or call 480-367-1171 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            480-367-1171      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

We are dedicated to improving quality within your homes.


P.S. If you are interested in knowing more about Norwex, we wrote about it in a previous post. CLICK HERE.

TraVek Found A Perfect Rag For Cleaning Granite!

Here at TraVek, Inc. our tagline for a long time mentioned quality service for quality life.  Definitely our purpose is to give you added quality and enjoyment to life through the pleasant surroundings we can design and build for you right within your own walls. We also enjoy looking at the whole picture, and when we see something else that can lend quality to life, we want to pass it on.

Some of us here at TraVek, Inc. have been using Norwex products for some time already. Today I decided to look at their website, and couldn't help but notice their tagline is "Improving Quality of Life".

Briefly, Norwex is environmentally friendly cleaning solutions and products. You don't have to worry about inhaling all kinds of chemicals that may burn your lungs or hurt your eyes. It's gentle and clean. The main product most of us have been enjoying is the cleaning rag. We've found that they work splendid on granite counter tops! You don't have to worry about smears or shine; it leaves no smear and gives lots of shine.

Following is a brief excerpt of what I include in the package of our Monthly Norwex product winners:

“Clean Without Chemicals”

Why Norwex?

Save Money – This will reduce the use of chemicals, sponges, and paper towels up to 90%!

Save Time – Our cleaning system saves time & effort, making life easier.

Better Health – You don’t breathe, touch or ingest chemicals. Dirt & dust are removed instead of spread around. It removes 99% of bacteria from surfaces. This is a great benefit to those with allergies and asthma.

Better Environment – You will be doing your part to preserve the environment by reducing the amount of chemicals used.

It’s Tried & True – True life story…one of our member’s wife was hospitalized for six weeks. During that time, the dishrag did not get changed at home. No kidding, there was no bad smell to the rag, although it was feeling rather grimy by that time. We don’t recommend six weeks without washing, but you get the point!

We LOVE it! - The most exciting discovery for us was how well it works to clean & shine granite.

How Do I Use It?
The Antibac Enviro Cloth can be used for all surfaces. Clean everything using only water. Works great on walls, windows, sinks, tubs, and also as a remover of certain stains on furniture and carpeting such as color crayons or pencil. Can be used dry for dusting. When washing windows, it is recommended to use the NORWEX window cloth to polish the surface as well.


By Machine - Wash slightly dirty cloths with a little dish/laundry soap and hot water. Wash and with low lint items. DO NOT USE BLEACH OR FABRIC SOFTENER.

By Stove – Cloths can be boiled for 15 minutes to release dirt and grime.

Why is TraVek giving me this cloth? (Since we discovered the cloth we have been drawing a monthly giveaway winner from our new contact and current remodeling customer list.)

Simply because we love the cloths so much, we figured our friends and customers would like them, too.  Many of you have granite countertops, and we have found it to work so well in shining them up, so we are passing on a fantastic product!

Where can I get more NORWEX ENVIRO products?

Call or email TraVek, Inc. for more information. 480-367-1171

Friday, April 8, 2011

GOURMET BBQ at HDIC in Scottsdale, Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's gonna be a party! Come join us and many others tomorrow, Saturday, April 9,  for a FREE GOURMET BBQ at the Home & Design Idea Center  from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Scottsdale!  BBQing is compliments of Backyards Unlimited and Arizona Backyard Concepts.

Not only will you get some delicious, sumptuous food, this is also a great chance to meet 100s of local exhibitors and get some new ideas for your home improvements!

 Vignette 2068

TraVek, Inc. is very excited to be a part of the Home & Design Idea Center in Scottsdale.

HDIC is a place where you can go any day of the week and browse the displays at your own pace. The booths are "unmanned"; however,  the second weekend of every month, the experts will be there and available to answer your questions and give advice you may be seeking.   

We look forward to seeing you this Saturday at HDIC. Make sure to stop by our booth and ZAP our barcode, because we give out a lovely NORWEX cleaning rag to someone each month! (These work great on cleaning granite, as well as the rest of your home.)

Todd Raisanen
TraVek, Inc.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Starmark Cabinetry Offers Lyptus Wood Cabinets

We here at Travek have really been impressed with the Lyptus wood cabinets. Beautiful! If you're looking for a higher end, rich looking cabinet, consider Lyptus.

Taken directly from Starmark's website:

Lyptus is a very rich, warm tone, hard, fine-grain hardwood with a rich, warm tone. A darker finish palette minimizes the natural color variation, which can be significant. More than most woods, Lyptus mellows and darkens with exposure to light. 

 As always, we're here to help you with all your home improvement needs. Call now to 480-367-1171 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            480-367-1171      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            480-367-1171      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or click here to email us

Friday, March 18, 2011

TraVek - Latest Trends in Kitchen Designs

TraVek's designers are often asked about the latest trends in kitchen design. Here's a great link that was recently published in Urban Home (CLICK HERE).

A couple things to remember when designing your kitchen space is first of all, what will fit your family? What purpose does your kitchen serve? It is merely a room where food is made? Is it a gathering place that becomes the heart of your home? Do you entertain a lot of guests? Do you spend a lot of time in the kitchen? Do you have children or others that you want nearby while you're in the kitchen?

Is Your Kitchen the Heart of Your Home?
There are a lot of questions to ask and answer. That's why it is important to talk with someone who has experience in kitchen design. When someone only remodels a kitchen once or twice in a lifetime, they just may not be in tune to what is going on out there or what is available in the world of remodeling.

Here at TraVek, our designers love to keep on top of what's going on in remodeling. And we're happy to share it with you!  Email now for more information or to set a time for one of our designers to meet with you.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day from TraVek!

On today, St. Patrick's Day, we want to wish this for you and yours:

"May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now
And bless you evermore"

           -An Old Irish Prayer

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

TraVek, Inc Setting Up Booth at Home & Design Idea Center in Scottsdale

This week we're excited to be setting up our booth at the Home & Design Idea Center just north of the 101off Pima here. For those of you who are shopping for ideas and don't know where to begin, the Home & Design Idea Center is a great place to start! So many vendors have worked hard to bring gorgeous displays that are only the tip of what they are capable of creating within your homes! You name it, it's there if it's in the home improvement industry!

Stop by to see our booth. We should be set up within the next week, and you'll find us at booth #68!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Need More Painting Tips?

Here's an interesting link with some helpful tips for painting in Arizona. Brian Santos, aka The Wall Wizard, was interviewed prior to the last Home and Garden Show in Phoenix. Enjoy!

Brian Santos, The Wall Wizard, Gives Painting Tips

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Take Care of Things Now!

Would you rather paint your house or wait a couple years and replace all the wood, too (eaves, posts, facia)? How about your showers? Are they 10 years old and leaking? Are you interested in taking care of the mold now or would you rather having to end up replacing the walls around them? This may sound harsh, but it is a reality. These are questions based on real-life situations we have seen, as well.

Is your paint oxidized? Is there water getting inside your exterior walls? Let's hope they're not to that point. One way to prevent that is by painting them on a regular basis so that they are more water repellent. Here in Arizona it is recommended to paint the exterior of your home every 6 to 8 years, although most homes look pretty drab if you end up waiting that long.

On another note, taking a look at the economics and trends of the country,  it's looking like a given that inflation is going to hit sooner or later. Thinking in those terms too, you can get more work done for less now than you will be able to down the road.

So many things to think of, but it always pays to plan ahead and be pro-active in taking care of your home. We're here to help you with this and all your home improvement needs. Call now (480-367-1171) or email for a FREE estimate.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What Makes A House A Home?

They say that kitchens and bathrooms are the biggest determining factors in selling a home. Well, if you are staying in your home you need not worry about the features for re-sale. Instead you need to concern yourself with, "Does this kitchen fit my lifestyle?"

Granite countertops alone will not make a kitchen a great. Consider the layout. If you enjoy baking and cooking, are the oven/stove, refrigerator and baking cupboards in close proximity to each other so there is nice work flow? How about the mixer? Do you have room on the counter to pull it out? Where do you roll out pie crusts?

Think of your family. If you have children, is there a place for them to sit and do homework while you putter in the kitchen? Or is there a spot for your spouse to pull up a chair in the corner and visit or read? Is there room for more than one in the kitchen?

How about the bathroom? Do you want it strictly functional, as a place where you can run in and out of the shower? Or would you rather have it as a place you can go to relax in the tub?

There is all this and much more to consider when making your house a home.  Of course we know that when it comes right down to it, a house is made of four walls, and a home is made of love alone, but if you can, why not have a beautiful house to make your home?

TraVek, Inc. has inhouse designers to help you with all your home improvement needs. Email or call now to 480-367-1171.